Missy Mews

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My new playground

I knew something was up when they moved all the furniture out of the room and ran that loud machine over the floor. I hate that thing.

Next thing I knew there were people knocking at the door and demanding to bring things up the stairs. I let Joe deal with it whilst I watched covertly from under a bed. I didn't come out until Beth got home. She was going into the room and she had sheets. I love fresh sheets.

I peered into the room and saw that there was funny-smelling furniture in the place! I didn't bother to check it out. Beth was already starting without me. You see, she can't make a bed without me.

Later that night while my people slept, I was able to explore. Oh, this new furniture is nice. I especially like the really high stuff. And I can now jump straight from the bed to the window. Of course, my people were in the way of my exploring, and Joe kept yelling at me. He can be so rude.


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